Discussions > Manage boards

On this page you can see all the boards displayed. Here you can manage and create boards.

Only members of the Administrators group can get to this page.

How to get here

  1. Sign in to memoQWeb as an administrator or a project manager.
  2. On the left sidebar, click the Discussions icon-discussions icon. The Discussions page opens.
  3. At the top, under Discussions, click the Manage Boards tab.

What can you do?

Start a topic

To start a topic: In the top right corner, click the Start a topic button. The Start topic page opens.

Create a board

To create a board: In the top right corner, click the Create board link. Enter a name in the Board name text box, and click the Create board button. To return to the board list, click the Cancel link.

Search for boards

To search the list: Type something into the search bar above the list. Press Enter. If the text you typed can be found in some board's name, the list will only show those. To see the whole list again, click the X icon at the end of the search bar.

Learn details from the board list

The board list gives you these details about each board: 

  • Name: The name of the board.
  • Discussions: The number of discussions on the board.
  • Last activity: The date when someone last did something to the board.

To select a board: In its row, check the check box on the left.

Sort the board list

To sort the list: Click a column header. To reverse the sorting order, click the same column header again.

Manage topics on the board

To manage topics: On the board list, click the board's name. The Manage Topics tab opens, showing only topics on that board. To see all topics: In the Active filters, click the X on the Related board tag, or click the Clear all link.

Change a board's name

To change the board's name: In its row, click the Edit nameicon-edit icon. Enter a new name in the Board name text box, and click the Update board button. To return to the list, click Cancel.

Delete a board

To delete a board: In its row, click the Deleteicon-delete icon. A warning window opens. Check the check boxes, and click the Delete board button. To keep the board: Click Cancel.

To remove two or more boards: Check their check boxes, and above the list, click the Delete link. A warning window opens. Check the check boxes, and click the Delete board button. To keep the boards: Click Cancel.