Edit template - LiveDocs
From a template, memoQ can automatically set up LiveDocs corpora for a project.
You can use LiveDocs corpora specifically for the client, domain, subject, and umbrella project for the job. If the template is set up with these, memoQ will create specific corpora - or use the existing ones if they are already there.
You can select corpora using a naming rule. This works if you have several corpora, and you follow a strict naming convention.
Finally, you can include 'fixed' corpora - specific corpora that are already on your system when you create or edit the template.
Corpora must be on the same system: If you edit a project template that is on a server, you can use LiveDocs corpora from that server only. If you edit a project template on your own computer, you can use local LiveDocs corpora only.
How to get here
Open the Resource Console. Choose Project templates. Select the template you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.
For online projects, and online corpora: Create and edit a template on the server. Choose a server at the top of Resource console before you select a template.
On the left, click LiveDocs. The LiveDocs pane appears.
What can you do?

At the top right, check one or more of the Project, Client, Domain, Subject check boxes.
When memoQ creates a project from the template, it will look for LiveDocs corpora that have the same values in Project, Client, Domain, or Subject. memoQ adds all LiveDocs corpora to the project where there is a match in these fields. memoQ does not create new LiveDocs corpora if there is no match.
Example: In the template, the Client and Subject check boxes are checked. From the template, you create a project that has 'memoQLtd' in Client and 'memoQ' in Subject. memoQ looks for LiveDocs corpora that have 'memoQLtd' in Client and 'memoQ' in Subject. One is found: memoQ adds it to the project. Note that both fields must match.

From the details of the project, you can put together a name, and look for a LiveDocs corpus by that name.
Under Create or use LiveDocs corpora that match the following naming rule, type a rule for the name. In the rule, you can use placeholders.
Placeholders are details that you don't know in the template. They are filled in when a specific project is created. Until then, you refer to them by the name of the field.

- Project: Contents of the Project field of the project. This is not the project name, rather the name of a larger project that the job is part of.
- Client: Contents of the Client field of the project. Normally, the name of the end-user of the translation.
- Domain: Contents of the Domain field of the project. Normally, the narrower subject or the genre of the source documents.
- Subject: Contents of the Subject field of the project. Normally, the subject field of the source documents.
- Template: The name of the project template. You may want to group your projects by the template they are created from.
- SrcLangIso2: Two-letter code of the source language of the project.
- SrcLangIso3: Three-letter code of the source language of the project.
- TrgLangIso2: Two-letter code of a target language in the project. The name of the LiveDocs corpus must match one of the target languages.
- TrgLangIso3: Three-letter code of a target language in the project. The name of the LiveDocs corpus must match one of the target languages.
- TrgLangListIso2: List of two-letter codes of the target languages of the project, separated by dashes (-).
- TrgLangListIso3: List of three-letter codes of the languages of the term base, separated by dashes (-).
- YYYY: The year when the project is created, in four digits.
- MM: The month when the project is created, in two digits.
- DD: The day when the project is created, in two digits.
- HH-NN: Hour and minutes when the project is created, in two digits.
Example: The name rule is {Client}-{Subject}-{SrcLangIso2}. You create a project where Client is 'memoQLtd', Subject is 'memoQ', and the source language is German. memoQ looks for a LiveDocs corpus called 'memoQLtd-memoQ-DE'. If there is one, memoQ adds it to the project. If there isn't a corpus by that name, memoQ creates it and adds it to the project.

Under Add LiveDocs corpora individually, memoQ lists all LiveDocs corpora that are on the server - or on your computer if you work on a local project template.
If there are too many LiveDocs corpora, you can type part of a name in the Filter for name box. The list will be limited to LiveDocs corpora where the name contains the words you typed.
Check the check box of each LiveDocs corpus you want to use in projects created from this template.
When you finish
To set up other options: Click another category in the Edit project template window.
To set up translation memories: On the left, click Translation memories.
To save the project template: Click OK.
To return to the Resource console, and not change the project template: Click Cancel.