Quick find (in translations)
Most of the time, when you're working on a translation, you will use the Quick find window to search for and replace text.
Regular expressions: You can use regular expressions in the Find what box, and replace rules (variables) in the Replace with box.
How to get here
- Open a document for editing: Open a project. In Project home, choose Translations. Double-click the name of the document.
- Press Ctrl+F. The Quick find window opens. Or, to replace text, press Ctrl+H. The Quick find and replace window opens.
Or: On the Edit ribbon, click Find or click Replace.
You can start Find and replace directly from Project home: In Translations, do not open a document. Instead, just press Ctrl+H or Ctrl+F. When you do this, memoQ assumes that you want to run Find and replace on several documents, not just one.
If you need more options, use Advanced find and replace: When the Quick find window opens, press Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H again. The Advanced find and replace window opens.
Without replacing (Ctrl+F)
Quick find and replace (Ctrl+H)
What can you do?
If you need more options, use Advanced find and replace: In the Quick find or the Quick find and replace window, click the Change these link below the Find what or the Replace with box. Or, click the Advanced find and replace icon. After you change the options in Advanced find and replace, memoQ will remember those settings in Quick find, too.
When you finish
To close the Quick find or the Quick find and replace window, and go back to the translation editor or to Translations: press Esc.