Ribbons - Edit
The Edit ribbon appears when you work on a document in the translation editor, or when you are working on a list of segments marked by quality assurance or by Find and replace. It also appears when you are transcribing images.

Cut: Cuts (deletes) the selected text from the target cell, and copies it to the clipboard. Shortcut key: Ctrl+X or Shift+Del.
Copy: Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Works from the source cell as well as from the target cell. Shortcut key: Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Insert.
Paste: Inserts the text from the clipboard at the cursor position; or replaces the selection with the contents of the clipboard. Copies formatting and tags, too. Shortcut key: Ctrl+V or Shift+Insert.
Copy to target: Copies text from the source cell to the target cell (in the same row; without the clipboard). Opens a menu:
- Copy Selection: Copies the selected text from the source cell to the target cell in the same row. First, place the cursor in the target cell where you want to copy the text. Then select the text to copy in the source cell. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+T.
- Copy Source: Copies the entire source cell to the target cell in the same row. If you select two or more rows, copies the source text to the target cell in all the selected rows.Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+S.

The icons in this section are as follows, from left to right, and from top to bottom:
Bold: Formats the selected text in bold characters, or removes the bold formatting. Shortcut key: Ctrl+B.
Italic: Formats the selected the text in italics, or removes the italic formatting. Shortcut key: Ctrl+I.
Underline: Underlines the selected the text, or removes underline. Shortcut key: Ctrl+U.
Superscript: Puts the selected text in superscript, or restores it to normal text.
Subscript: Puts the selected text in subscript, or restores it to normal text.
Toggle Case: Switches the selected text from lowercase through Uppercase Initials to ALL UPPERCASE, and back to all lowercase - in the target segment. Shortcut key: Shift+F3.

Non-Printing Characters: Shows non-printing characters (spaces, non-breaking spaces etc.), or hides them.
Frequent Symbols: Inserts a special character that you choose from a menu. Inserts right-to-left (RTL) and left-to-right (LTR) markers, too, if the target language uses Arabic or Hebrew script.
Insert Symbol: Inserts any symbol or Unicode character. Opens the Insert symbol window. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+I.

Tag Insertion: Turns automatic tag insertion on or off (normally, it is turned off). When it is turned on, you can click to insert the tags in the target cell. Shortcut key: F6.
Copy Next Tag Sequence: Copies the next sequence of inline tags or memoQ tags into the target cell. A tag sequence consists of tags immediately following each other, regardless of the type. Always inserts the first tag sequence that has not been inserted yet. Shortcut key: F9.
Inserts tag pairs, too: To insert a pair of tags at once, select the text that must be enclosed, and press F9. memoQ will insert two tag sequences, one before and one after the selected text.
Inline Tags: Changes the level of detail of tags that memoQ shows. Opens a menu:
- Show Short Inline Tags: Inline tags show in their most compact form. You see if the tag is an opening, closing, or empty tag, but nothing else, not even the name.
- Show Medium Inline Tags: Inline tags show with type (opening, closing, empty) and name, but without attributes.
- Show Filtered Inline Tags: Inline tags show with type (opening, closing, empty), name, and some "important" attributes. The "important" attributes are specified in the XML filter configuration that was used to import the document. If the document is not XML as such but uses inline tags (for example, DOCX), the settings fot the "important" attributes are built into memoQ.
- Show Long Inline Tags: Inline tags show with type (opening, closing, empty), name, and all attributes.
Tag Commands: Opens a menu that contains more actions that you can perform on tags:
- Insert All Tags: Inserts all remaining tags in the target cell, at the current position. More precisely, inserts tags that are there in the source segment, but have not been inserted in the target cell. The order of the tags will be the same as in the source cell. Shortcut key: Alt+F8.
- Arrange Tags: Rearranges the tags in the target segment based on the tag position in the source cell. Use this to restore the order of tags. No tags are added or deleted in the target cell. Shortcut key: Alt+F6.
- Remove All Tags: Removes all tags from the target cell. Shortcut key: Ctrl+F8.
- Insert New Inline Tag: Inserts a new inline tag into the target cell. Opens the Inline tag window.
- Edit Inline Tag: Edits the selected inline tag. Opens the Inline tag window. In the Inline tag window, the details of the tag will be filled in. Shortcut key: Ctrl+F9.
- Quick Insert Tag: Inserts a new inline tag or tag pair without the Inline tag window. You can choose from a menu. Paired tags are always inserted in pairs.

Split Segment: Splits one source segment into two segments at the current cursor position. The target text will remain in the first segment. The newly created segment will be empty. First, place the cursor in the source cell to the position where you want to split the text. Shortcut key: Ctrl+T.
Join Segments: Joins two or more segments into one. If you do not select the segments, memoQ will join the current segment with the next. If there is text in the target cells, they are also joined. Shortcut key: Ctrl+J.
Add Abbreviation: For more accurate segmentation, adds an abbreviation to the segmentation rule set you use in the project. Offers to re-segment the document. Opens the Add abbreviation window.

Find: Finds text in the entire project, in the open documents, in the active alignment editor, or in the translation memory editor. Opens the Quick find or the Advanced find and replace window. Shortcut key: Ctrl+F. (For Advanced find and replace in a document, press Ctrl+F twice.)
Find next: Jumps to the next occurrence of the last expression you searched for. This happens in the same document as well as across documents. Does not open a window.
Replace: Finds and replaces text with another text in the entire project, in the open documents, in the active alignment editor, or in the translation memory editor. Opens the Quick find window with the replace options. Shortcut key: Ctrl+H. For the Advanced find and replace window, press Ctrl+H, and then press Ctrl+F.
Advanced: Opens the Advanced find and replace window.

Go To Next: Jumps to the next segment that fit the conditions you last set in the Goto Next Settings window. Shortcut key: Ctrl+G. If you need more options: Next to the icon, click the little arrow. A menu appears:
Go To Next: Jumps to the next segment that fit the conditions you last set in the Goto Next Settings window. Shortcut key: Ctrl+G.
Settings: Opens the Go to next segment window where you can choose what kind of segments you want to jump to. To learn more: See Help about the Goto Next Settings window. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+G. This command jumps to a segment by the segment number, too.
Select All Text: Selects all text in the current segment. Selects text in either the source or the target segment, depending on the current cursor position. Shortcut key: Ctrl+A.
Select All Segments: Selects all segments in the document or view. Default shortcut key: Ctrl+Shift+A.
Do not press Ctrl+Shift+S after this, because that destroys the translations and cannot be undone.

Undo: Restores your document to the state before the last operation. You can undo multiple actions. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Z.
To undo several actions at once: Click the little arrow next to the icon. A menu appears:
The actions are listed in reverse order, newest first, oldest last. Click the oldest action that you want to undo.
Redo: Repeats the last operation you undid with the Undo command. You can redo multiple undo operations: The Redo icon has the same kind of menu as Undo. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Y.
Cannot undo changes after you close the document or synchronize it: memoQ forgets about actions when you close a document, or - when you work on the checkout of an online project - you synchronize the entire document with the server. This Help Center article explains why you cannot undo changes that were made before a full synchronization.