Edit a term base

The Term Base Editor allows you to edit a term base directly. You can see the list of entries, filter them, and edit each entry.

You can edit individual term base entries directly without the term base editor: When you work on a translation, you have term base hits in the Translation results pane. Right-click the term base hit, and choose View/Edit. The contents of the entry appear in the Edit term base entry window.

Only one person can edit a term base at a time: You can edit an online term base (on a memoQ server) if you have sufficient permissions. But only one user can edit a term base at a time. Editing an online term base may be slow, depending on the network connection and the workload of the memoQ server.

Can't edit QTerm term bases: To edit a QTerm term base, use a web browser to open it in QTerm/memoQWeb (legacy).

Term base editor is a tab, but doesn't belong to the project: The term base editor opens in a new tab in the main memoQ window. But it doesn't close when you close the project you're working on. You need to close it separately.

How to get here

From a project:

  1. Open a project.
  2. In Project home, click Term bases. The Term bases pane appears, with the list of term bases.
  3. Right-click the name of the term base. In the menu, click Edit.

From the Resource console:

  1. Open the Resource console.
  2. Click Term bases. The Term bases pane appears, with the list of term bases.
  3. Right-click the name of the term base. In the menu, click Edit.

Term base editor with English and German terms
Term base editor with English and Arabic terms - right-to-left language text is aligned properly

What can you do?

When you finish

Changes are saved automatically: There is no Save or Commit button. When you make a change, it is immediately saved to the term base.

To close the term base editor: Click the icon_close_tab button on the tab at the top. Or, press Ctrl+F4.

To switch to a document tab or to Project home, leaving the term base editor open: Click any other tab. Or, press Ctrl+Tab several times until you get where you want.