Edit QA settings
memoQ can check many things in the translation automatically. In memoQ, the automatic checks are called quality assurance checks.
A QA option set tells memoQ what to check and how. For example, you can choose to check terminology, consistency, length. Or, you can simply check the inline tags only.
Do not confuse QA with LQA: memoQ also knows about Linguistic Quality Assurance. This is a way of adding human feedback to documents. The human reviewers can structure and formalize their feedback, and grade the translations if necessary. You use the LQA settings - LQA models - to enter these and report about them.
You cannot edit the default QA options. Either you need to make a copy of the default QA option set, or you need to create a new one.
Belongs to a project: You choose a QA option set for a project. To make your choice, open a project. In Project home, choose Settings. Click the QA options icon. (This icon has an exclamation mark and a tick mark in it.) Check the check box of the QA option set you want to use.
How to get here
Open the Resource Console. Choose QA settings. In the list, click the QA profile you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.
From a project: Open a project. In Project home, choose Settings. In the Settings pane, click the QA settings icon. (This icon has an exclamation mark and a tick mark in it.) In the list, click the QA profile you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.
From an online project: Open an online project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Settings. In the Settings pane, click the QA settings icon. (This icon has an exclamation mark and a tick mark in it.) In the list, click the QA profile you want to edit. Under the list, click Edit.
Can't edit default QA settings: There is a default QA profile that memoQ uses for new projects - unless the project template specifies another one. To change the default settings, you must clone (copy) them first. To clone a QA profile: Select it in the list. In Resource Console, click Clone. In a project, click Clone/use new. memoQ makes a copy of the QA profile. If you're in a project, memoQ also starts using it. Then you can select the clone and click Edit.
What can you do?
Choose which checks memoQ should run, and how.
memoQ can run these kinds of checks:
- Segments and terms: Checks terms, formatting, and the length of segments.
- Consistency: Checks consistency of entire segments, and the consistency with translation memory matches. You can also check if the tracked changes in the source are applied to the target text.
- Numbers: Check if numbers in the source are there in the target segment.
- Punctuation: Checks if punctuation marks and quotes are used in the target segment as they should be in the target language.
- Spaces, capitals, characters: Check if spaces and capital letters are used as they should be. Checks for forbidden characters.
- Inline tags: Checks if inline tags are copied to the translation, and the markup is still well-formed there. Use these checks to prevent the export of malformed documents.
- Length: Checks the translated segments' length in characters or in pixels. Gets the constraints from the document itself.
- Regex: Uses regular expressions to spot problems that do not fall in the above categories. You write these regular expressions. In some cases, you can write up suggestions for correcting the segments.
For a complete list of QA warnings in memoQ, see this Help topic.
When you finish
To save the changes, and return to Resource Console, to Project home, or to memoQ online project: Click OK.
To use the edited QA profile in a project: Create a project from a template that specifies this rule. Or, create an empty project (local or online). In Project home (or in memoQ online project), choose Settings. Click the QA settings icon. In the list, check the check box of this QA profile. Do this before you translate the documents, or before you use the Run QA command. memoQ will check the translation according to the settings in the QA profile, and give you warnings accordingly.
To return to Resource Console, to Project home, or to memoQ online project, and not save changes: Click Cancel.