Multilingual XML files

When you need to translate or localize text that is created and stored in databases rather than document files, you will often receive multilingual XML (eXtensible Markup Language) files.

memoQ TMS can import multilingual XML files into multilingual projects in one step. This allows you to set up multilingual projects faster.

Multilingual projects only: Use this filter only if you are setting up a multilingual project in memoQ project manager.

Can't import in LiveDocs: You can't import a multilingual XML file into a LiveDocs corpus.

How to get here

  1. Start importing a multilingual XML file.
  2. In the Document import options window, select the XML files, and click Change filter and configuration.
  3. The Document import settings window appears. From the Filter drop-down list, choose Multilingual XML filter.

    Document import settings window showing selected filter and filter configuration, below there's Encoding and reference files tab open showing Default encoding options as well as Reference files and DTD.

What can you do?

Normally, the rules should be enough to work with multilingual XML files. By nature, they are less complex in structure than 'traditional' monolingual XML files.

That said, you may need to deal with inline tags and unusual character entities. In some cases, you may even need to set up conditions for translating an element or another. Set them up on the Other tags and attributes and the Entities tabs

To learn about dealing with tags, attributes, and entities in XML files: See the topic about importing XML files.

When you finish

To confirm the settings, and return to the Document import options window: Click OK.

In the Document import options window: Click OK again to start importing the documents.

To return the Document import options window, and not change the filter settings: Click Cancel.

If this is a cascading filter, you can change the settings of another filter in the chain: Click the name of the filter at the top of the window.

It is possible to cascade filters after the bilingual and multilingual filters. For example, Multilingual XML can be the first filter in a filter chain, but remember that regex tagger should always be the last filter applied.