Discover memoQ 10.3
These are the most important new features of memoQ 10.3:
In-country reviewers can now edit translations, not just comment on them - if the project manager allows. Also, they can see all their review tasks on a personal My review tasks page. There are several other improvements about ICR in this version.
Until now, project templates and project packages weren't compatible, so you could not use project automation if your customer sent the work in packages. In memoQ 10.3, you can import Trados Studio packages into memoQ projects that you created using a template. memoQ packages are also coming soon!
A fresh addition to memoQ's machine translation portfolio: Custom.MT is an MT aggregator service, also offering large language model (LLM) based translation services.
With the ever-growing presence of machine translation, it was time that we added edit reports to memoQweb. Also, you can now add or remove LiveDocs corpora to projects from your browser.