Analytics > Create chart

On this page, you can create or modify your business analytics chart. To manage your charts, go back to the All Charts tab on the Analytics page.

How to get here

  1. Log in to memoQweb as an administrator or a project manager.
  2. On the left sidebar, click the Analytics Analytics icon. icon. The Dashboard tab opens.

  3. In the top right corner, click the Create chart button. If you have no charts created or pinned to your dashboard yet, this button will be also visible in the middle of the page.


  4. Click the All Charts tab. memoQ redirects you to the page showing the list of created charts.

  5. In the top right corner, click the Create chart button.

  6. The Create chart window opens:

    The Create chart window showing "What would you like to visualize?" question and two choices: Leverage data with the scale icon and Volume data with the forklift icon.

  7. Choose what kind of data you want to visualize:

    1. Leverage data – to compare total and weighted counts.

    2. Volume data – to create detailed graphs based on quantitative data.

memoQ will automatically redirect you to the selected chart creation window.

What can you do?

Decide what you want to visualize and create charts for:

When you finish

To manage and modify your report: Click the All Charts tab on the Analytics page.

To view all your pinned charts: Click Dashboard tab on the Analytics page.