Log in to memoQweb

You can log in to memoQweb on this page.

If you forgot your password: and the server administrator allows it, you can also reset your password here.

How to get here

Open memoQweb in your browser. The URL is normally https://mymemoqserver.com/memoqweb, where "mymemoqserver.com" is the address of the company's memoQ TMS. The login page opens:



What can you do?

To log in: Enter your Username and Password into the text boxes. Click the Log in button. memoQweb's main page opens.

To reset your password: Click the Forgot password? link. The Forgot your password? page opens.

Link is not there? The memoQ TMS's administrator does not allow users to reset their own passwords. Ask the administrator for help.

Logging in to memoQweb takes a license from the server: When a user logs in to memoQweb, the memoQ TMS behind the memoQweb site automatically grants them a license. When you cannot log in to the server or you cannot open a document for translation, it usually happens because the server has no more available licenses.