Support and Maintenance
Everything you need to know about your support and maintenance agreement with memoQ.

Support and Maintenance are two services from memoQ that make your investment even more worthwhile in the long run. With your license, you have access to these services for exactly one calendar year from the date of your purchase.
A valid SMA gives you the power to do the following:
- Maintenance: Download new versions (upgrades) that we release over that year. This is important because memoQ continuously receives improvements and new features.
- Support: Reach out to our best-in-class support team whenever you have technical difficulties or questions.
You receive these two services through an SMA – a Support and Maintenance Agreement. Before you can activate a new minor or major version, or turn to our support team, you need to have a valid SMA.

- To upgrade to a new memoQ version, you need to have a valid SMA.
- You can use your current memoQ version forever, even if you do not have a valid SMA.

In the first year, you get Support and Maintenance automatically
When you purchase a perpetual license for memoQ, you automatically receive an SMA that is valid for one (1) calendar year from the date of your purchase. The date of purchase is the purchase date indicated on your invoice. During this first year, you may download any new releases of memoQ, from new builds of the same version that fix issues, to entirely new version of memoQ that add new functionality. For example, if you purchase memoQ on July 1, 2024, you will get new versions and support till June 30, 2025.
You can also turn to our support team any time. Before your SMA expires, you will receive reminder emails about the expiry of the Support and Maintenance period. The emails will contain instructions to extend the SMA for another year. After the first year, if you wish to continue to download new versions and receive support, you will need to purchase an extension of the SMA for one more year.
Second year and every new year afterwards: Extend your Support and Maintenance for 20%
To extend your Support and Maintenance Agreement for one more year, you need to pay 20% of the list price of your licenses. The price is always calculated from the list prices that are valid on the date you extend your SMA. Once you extend your SMA, you will continue to benefit from new versions released by memoQ and gain access to Support for one more year. When you extend your SMA, your new 1-year SMA always starts when the previous SMA expired. If your first-year SMA expires on June 30, 2025, your second year will start on July 1, 2025 – no matter when you actually extend your SMA.

See the validity of your SMA
Would like to check if your support and maintenance agreement with memoQ is still valid, or whether you need to extend it?
See the Licenses page on my memoQ
Our Frequent Release Policy
How often does memoQ release a new memoQ version? What happens if I have no valid SMA and the new version is not compatible with mine?
Support and Maintenance Agreement
Our Terms of Service document describes the terms and conditions of using our Support and Maintenance services (see chapter IX).

License rental fees include Support and Maintenance for those licenses. You do not have to pay any extra SMA for rented licenses.
If you do not want to be responsible for your own IT, we also provide hosting ("private cloud") for your purchased memoQ TMS server at a monthly fee. Our Terms of Service document describes the terms and conditions (see chapter VI). If you purchase server hosting from memoQ, the hosting service runs independently from Support and Maintenance. However, we strongly recommend that you keep your Support and Maintenance up to date for the license that the memoQ TMS private cloud is using. Otherwise, we will only provide support when the server is down, but not when you need actual assistance using your memoQ TMS.
If you have an ongoing SMA or subscription plan, you can opt for a test server license for a nominal fee. For more information on the currently available discounts, feel free to contact your Account Owner. Keep in mind that the test period will only last until the end of the SMA or subscription duration.

Subscription fees include Support and Maintenance
When you subscribe to a memoQ TMS cloud, you always have access to the newest version, and also to support. memoQ TMS cloud is not upgraded immediately after a new version is released. It typically takes about 14 days to roll out a new memoQ TMS version to memoQ TMS cloud. Then the upgrades are performed automatically, but you will receive notification before that happens.
Service level agreement for memoQ TMS cloud
Our Terms of Service document describes the terms and conditions of using a memoQ TMS cloud server (see chapter V).

memoQ’s Business Services team offers Premium Support and Maintenance (SMA) that goes well beyond standard support. As memoQ and client workflows grow in complexity, it can easily become an increasing challenge to LSPs and enterprises to maintain business continuity and optimize resources .
The Premium SMA service is a one-stop shop where all your individual needs come to life through direct account management, support concierge service, consulting, training and other value-added services. You can expect regular contact with our expert consultants and developers to get the most out of your memoQ experience and increase your productivity!
Premium SMA includes a wide range of Business Services and several options to choose from. Learn more about Business Services

If you still have questions regarding your SMA, please read the following frequented asked questions before contacting our account management team.
I do not need newer versions. Can I pay for support only?
Can I purchase new versions (upgrades) and access support separately at a reduced price?
No. These services are available only in a single package.
I have the latest version, but my SMA has just expired. Can I download or receive the next release?
No. You can still download new builds for the version you have. A new build usually contains fixes to known problems. New builds may or may not be available to the version you have.
To get a new minor or major version, you need a valid SMA on the date the new version was officially released. To learn more about the terminology of memoQ versions and our policy on SMA eligibility, see our Frequent release policy.
After my SMA expires, how long can I get releases and bugfixes?
New builds that contain fixes for your latest version can be downloaded anytime. However, because we release new versions more often, new builds may not be available to you if you are using an earlier version. To learn more about the terminology of memoQ versions and our policy on SMA eligibility, see our Frequent release policy.
My SMA expired, can I still get support?
No. To access our support services, you need a valid SMA. You may still download a bugfix build for your version if one is available.
I had valid SMA earlier this year but it has expired for now. Why can‘t I get Support and Maintenance till the end of 2024?
To access Support, you need a valid SMA on the day you are trying to access them. To install and use a new minor or major version, you need a valid SMA on the date the new version was officially released. You may still download a bugfix build for your version if one is available. To learn more about the terminology of memoQ versions and our policy on SMA eligibility, see our Frequent release policy.
Must I renew my SMA no matter what happens?
No. You can use your memoQ license without a valid SMA. However, it’s worth having a valid SMA – because you do need a valid SMA to install and use new versions and access Support.
My SMA expired more than a year ago. How can I catch up with my SMA to have a valid one?
You can extend your SMA anytime. However, your new 1-year SMA always starts when the previous SMA expired. For example, if your SMA expires on June 30, 2024, and you extend your SMA on January 8, 2025, your new SMA will still expire on June 30, 2025.
And if you wait for more than a year, and extend your SMA on October 12, 2025, your new year will still expire on June 30, 2025. When this happens, and you want your SMA to be valid on October 12, 2025, you will need to extend your SMA for two more years, not just one.
We strongly recommend that you extend your SMA for one more year immediately before your last year expires.
My SMA expired more than one year ago. I have paid one year to extend my SMA (20%), but I still cannot install or use the latest version - and I can’t get Support either! Why is this happening?
You can extend your SMA anytime. However, your new 1-year SMA always starts when the previous SMA expired. For example, if your SMA expires on June 30, 2024, and you extend your SMA on January 8, 2025, your new SMA will still expire on June 30, 2025.
And if you wait for more than a year, and extend your SMA on October 12, 2025, your new year will still expire on June 30, 2025. When this happens, and you want your SMA to be valid on October 12, 2025, you will need to extend your SMA for two more years, not just one.
We strongly recommend that you extend your SMA for one more year immediately before your last year expires.