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The Context options dialog lets you specify rules under which specific ranges of a Microsoft® Excel® document, marked using the Mark selected ranges dialog, are imported as  contextsinto memoQ.

How to begin

You can invoke the Context options dialog when importing a Microsoft® Excel® file, from the Document import settings dialog by clicking Import context IDs, then Context options.


The dialog has two sections, Ranges without context and Context rules for ranges:

The Ranges without context section allows you to specify ranges in the Microsoft® Excel® file, which are not to be commented.

The Context rules for ranges section lets you specify ranges in the Microsoft® Excel® file for which comments will be imported. These comments are imported according to rules you specify for each of the ranges using the Rule for the top-left cell input box.

Ranges without context section:

Select ranges: Click this button to start Microsoft® Excel® and to open the Mark selected ranges dialog to mark cells, rows or columns without context in Microsoft® Excel® directly. Any ranges you select using the Mark selected ranges dialog will be recorded as Microsoft® Excel® codes in the Ranges without context list.

These codes have the following structure:

{name of worksheet}!{top left cell}:{bottom right cell}

Remove: Click this button to remove a selected range from the list.

Remove all: Click this button to remove all ranges from the list.

Context rules for ranges section:

Select ranges: Click this button to start Microsoft® Excel® and to open the Mark selected ranges dialog to mark cells, rows or columns with context in Microsoft® Excel® directly. Any ranges you select using the Mark selected ranges dialog will be recorded as Microsoft® Excel® codes in the Context rules for ranges list.

These codes have the following structure:

{name of worksheet}!{top left cell}:{bottom right cell}

See the screenshot above.

Remove: Click this button to remove a selected range from the pane.

Remove all: Click this button to remove all ranges from the pane.

Range: This field indicates the range selected in the Context rules for ranges pane.

Rule for the top-left cell: Use this field to specify the required context rule, relative to the top-left cell of the range. This field is shaded in red if the code you enter is not valid.

Note: For example, if the source text is in the B3:B27 range and the corresponding contexts are in the C3:C27 range, the range selected in the Context rules for ranges pane should be B3:B27, where the top-left cell is B3, which means that the rule for cell B3 should be C3 or $C3.

The rules you specify are shown in the Context rules for ranges list in brackets, next to the ranges they apply to.

If a certain range of your Microsoft® Excel® file is imported as context and you do not want to have the range imported for translation, which is often the case, mark this section as non-translatable using the means in the Document import settings dialog (Non-translatable data ranges section).


After you have made all necessary changes in the Context options dialog, click Close to close dialog and return to the Document import settings dialog.