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The Clear translations dialog allows you to remove translations from some or all target segments within a translation document or all translation documents in the currently opened project. Clearing translations does not delete any translation unit from the translation memory.


How to begin

You can invoke the Clear translations dialog from the right-click menu of the translation grid during translation or by clicking the Clear translations button on the Preparation ribbon tab.


The Clear translations dialog has two sections, Scope and Clear what.

Scope section:

Project: Select this radio button to remove translations from all segments of the current project.

Selected documents: Select this radio button to remove translations from all segments only in the documents you selected in the Translations pane of Project home.

Open documents: Select this radio button to remove translations from all segments only in the documents that are currently open.

Active document: Select this radio button to remove translations from all segments only in the active document.

From cursor: Select this radio button to remove translations from all segments only in the active document downwards from the cursor. This option is only available if you start the Clear translations dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.

Selection: Select this radio button to remove translations only from the selected segments of the active document. This option is only available if you start the Clear translations dialog with a translation document open and active in memoQ.

Work on views: Check this check box to remove translations from all segments only in the views of the project. This option is only available if you select the Project radio button. When unchecked, the scope is all the segments of the original documents of the project, excluding the segments of views.

Clear what section:

All translations: Select this radio button to remove all translations, irrespective of their status.

Unconfirmed segments: Select this radio button to remove translations from only unconfirmed segments. Clearing unconfirmed translations may be useful after the document was pre-translated and the user is not satisfied with the quality of the inserted hits and prefers empty translation fields.

Unconfirmed fuzzy or assembled: Select this radio button to remove translations from only unconfirmed segments where the translation was generated from fuzzy (approximate) matches or assembled from fragments. Clearing unconfirmed fuzzy and assembled translations may be useful after the document has been pre-translated and the user is not satisfied with the quality of the inserted hits and wishes to keep perfect matches (100% matches) only.


Click OK to have memoQ clear translations under the conditions you set. Clicking Cancel will close the dialog without any change in any translation document.