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Translating a document in memoQ is a straightforward task supported by several resources. First you need to create a project. The New memoQ project wizard enables you to do it in a fast and simple way, but you can also add resources and refine your settings on the fly, using various elements in Project home. The documents you are working on are displayed in the translation editor, where they are divided into segments. As soon as you place the cursor into a new segment, memoQ scans the active resources automatically for matches. The results of this search are listed in the translation results pane next to the translation documents, so everything you might need for your job is available in the same place.

If you are not working alone but in a team, it is the project manager who creates the project and you can join it in two ways. You can either work online, or you can import a handoff package, which contains only those documents and resources that are relevant to you. If you work online, you work on an offline copy of the online project.

See also the following topics:

Create a project through the project wizard

Use the translation editor

Work with formatting

Deliver your work

Work in a project set up by a project manager