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The upper section of the LiveDocs pane lists the LiveDocs corpora available for use in the current project. The list contains LiveDocs corpora that contain at least one of the languages in the project. Local LiveDocs corpora are all listed. The list also shows LiveDocs corpora pinned to the resource list in the Resource console. Plus, you can display LiveDocs corpora published on one server. You can select the server in the Server URL box in the Dashboard.

LiveDocs corpora are listed in a table. Each row corresponds to one corpus. The table columns are the following:

The first column contains a check box. If the check box is checked, the LiveDocs corpus is assigned to the project.

The second column shows the status of the corpus. A green tick indicates if the LiveDocs corpus is in working order; a lightning symbol indicates if the resource is not available.

Name: The name of the LiveDocs corpus.

The fourth and fifth columns show the location of the corpus. Local corpora have the computer icon, remote corpora have the cloud icon. The Path/URL column shows the location and name of the corpus folder of a local LiveDocs corpus; for online corpora, this column shows the name or address of the server where they are stored.

Languages: The languages in the corpus. LiveDocs corpora are multilingual.

Filtering the LiveDocs corpora

There are several options to narrow the list if it is too long.

You can filter the list of corpora for meta-information details such as Project, Client, Domain and Subject. These appear in drop-down lists that shows all values that exist in the listed corpora. You can also filter for languages in the corpus.

You can also filter for the name or the description of the LiveDocs corpus. As you start typing in the Name/Description box, the list is immediately restricted to resources where either the Name or the Description property contains the characters you typed.

Note: Hits from corpora are filtered out for each corpus if none of its documents contains the specific language as target language (i.e. a sublanguage like English-US). If the corpus contains at least one document with the exact target language, hits of that corpus are not filtered out. For example, you project is EN-PT and your corpus contains EN-PT-PT and EN-PT-BZ documents, you get hits for PT-PT or PT-BZ hits.

Using LiveDocs corpora in the project

To use a corpus in the project, click the check box to the left of the name of the corpus. Alternatively, you can select the corpus, and click the Use in project button on the LiveDocs ribbon tab.

You can use as many LiveDocs corpora in the project as you want. The corpora you use in the project are moved to the top of the list.

Unlike with translation memories, there is no primary corpus. You can't store entries in a LiveDocs corpus during translation.

LiveDocs corpora and LiveDocs settings are separate resources, but in a project they work together. LiveDocs corpora give you the results, and LiveDocs settings set up the penalties and thresholds. You may need to use different settings with different corpora. By default, the project-specific settings are used with all corpora, which are inherited from the global defaults. If you want to change the project default, you can do so on the LiveDocs settings tab of the Settings pane in Project home. If you want to change the LiveDocs settings for only one LiveDocs corpus, select the corpus and click on Settings. Then disable the Use project defaults checkbox and select the LiveDocs settings resource to use. You can edit these settings in the Resource console, under LiveDocs settings.

LiveDocs corpora actions

You can perform the same operations on LiveDocs corpora as in the Resource console.