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You can prioritize the term bases in your project, i.e. you rank the term bases. The term base ranking first has the highest ranking. The hits from this term base are shown first in the translation results pane. You can change the ranking at any time under Project home > Term bases.

When you select your first term base in your project, the term base will have Ranking 1. The second term base you select will have Ranking 2, etc. Ranking 1 means the highest ranking.

Note: The ranking number is also the search order.

Use the Raise Rank and Lower Rank buttons on the Term Bases ribbon tab of Project home to change the ranking for a term base in your project.

When you add a term to a term base while translating, the term bases are shown according to your ranking. The term base ranking first, is set as default to add the term to.

If you use AutoPick, the matches coming from a higher ranked term base are displayed first.

If you use Predictive Typing, the matches coming from a higher ranked term base are displayed first. Term base hits precede hits coming from a Muse. Within the same term base, the longest hit is displayed first.

If you use Fragment assembly, the term base hits are displayed first, the longest hit first. Fragment assembly hits are ordered by the type of hit. Term base hits with a 100% match rate have priority over matches with a lower match rate (Fuzzy matches). Fuzzy matches are ordered first by source length, then by match rate, and then by term base ranking.

The first ranked term base replaces the primary term base functionality for term extraction and in the structural alignment options.


See also:

Project home -Term bases pane