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Edit auto-translation rule set

An auto-translation rule set is a collection of algorithmic rules that help to transform parts of text into the target language. For example, you can use them to convert dates, currencies, or other units from the source language to the target language. It can even calculate unit conversions. Auto-translation rules use regular expressions to recognize the patterns they have to convert.

If you have an auto-translation rule set in your project: memoQ always checks the current segment for patterns that the auto-translation rules can recognize. If patterns are found, the converted patterns are there on the Translation results list. You can click to copy these to the translation in the translation editor.

memoQ checks auto-translation rule sets: You may get quality (QA) warnings if an auto-translation pattern is recognized, but the converted pattern is missing from the translation.

In this window, you can edit an existing auto-translation rule set.

How to get here

Open the Resource Console. Choose Auto-translation rules. Click an auto-translation rule set. Under the list, click Edit.

From a project: Open a project. In Project home, choose Settings. In the Settings pane, click the Auto-translation rules icon. (This icon has a green number 5 in it.) On the list, click an auto-translation rule set. Under the list, click Edit.

From an online project: Open an online project for management. In the memoQ online project window, choose Settings. In the Settings pane, click the Auto-translation rules icon. (This icon has a green number 5 in it.) On the list, click an auto-translation rule set. Under the list, click Edit.

What can you do?

When you finish

To save the changes, and return to Resource Console, to Project home, or to memoQ online project: Click OK.

To return to Resource Console, to Project home, or to memoQ online project, and not save changes: Click Cancel.