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Project home - Settings - LiveDocs settings

A LiveDocs settings profile tells memoQ how to get matches from LiveDocs corpora. This means two things:

  • Match thresholds. These are two numbers: One of them sets the minimum match rate of any match that memoQ shows. The other tells memoQ what counts as a good match. (You can pre-translate documents with good matches or better. That's where memoQ uses this second number.)
  • Penalties: A match is not always reliable. The match rate is supposed to tell how much you need to work on the translation you got. But it can actually be worse if the translation is bad, or - in the case of LiveDocs - comes from an aligned document pair, and there is a misalignment. For these cases, you use penalties - so that the match rate will be lower than memoQ originally computed.

    Using alignment? You may need to look at penalties: If at least one of your LiveDocs corpora contains aligned document pairs, you may need to check the penalties. Otherwise, you may not receive matches from that LiveDocs corpus when you pre-translate your project for good matches.

    To learn more about penalties: See Help about editing LiveDocs settings.

You cannot edit the default LiveDocs settings. Either you need to make a copy of the default LiveDocs settings profile, or you need to create a new one.

Belongs to a project, not to a LiveDocs corpus: You choose a LiveDocs settings profile for a project, not for a LiveDocs corpus. If you choose a LiveDocs settings profile for a project, memoQ uses them for all LiveDocs corpora in the project. Then again, in a different project, you can use different LiveDocs settings for the same LiveDocs corpora.

How to get here

  1. From the Dashboard, create or open a project. Or, check out a project from a memoQ server.
  2. Under Project home, click Settings. The Settings pane appears, with the General tab.
  3. Click the LiveDocs settings icon. It looks like this:

    The LiveDocs settings tab appears.

What can you do?

When you finish

Your changes are saved automatically.

On the Settings pane, choose another tab.

Or, choose another pane in Project home.

Or, return to your work: Click a document tab at the top of the memoQ window (in the same row as the Project home tab). In most cases, you will return to the translation editor.

Project managers, you can switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.