This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Add documents to corpus

After a document or a view is translated, you can add them to a LiveDocs corpus - from the Translations pane of Project home. memoQ copies the selected bilingual documents to the LiveDocs corpus you select. You may copy or move the documents: If you move them, they will be removed from the list of Translations.

How to get here

Open a project. In Project home, choose Translations. Select the documents or views that you need to add to the LiveDocs corpus. On the Documents ribbon, click Add to LiveDocs.

What can you do?

Choose the LiveDocs corpus where you need to put the documents (or views): Select one from the Corpus drop-down box. This is the only choice you must make. memoQ will automatically choose the first corpus in the project - if there is one.

When you finish

Click OK to add the selected documents to the LiveDocs corpus, with the options you chose.

Click Cancel to close this window without adding the documents to a LiveDocs corpus.