This topic is for memoQ 9.1. Have an older version? Click here.

Automated post-translation analysis report settings

When there's a change in a project, memoQ can automatically calculate a new post-translation analysis report. This works in projects that you create from project templates.

For example, you can set up a project template to run post-translation analysis automatically after a new document is imported into the project. Then memoQ will do this in all projects that you create from that project template.

Post-translation analysis (PTA) is a report of savings that you have achieved on TM and LiveDocs match rates – after translation is complete.

Normal analysis "predicts" how much you could save on translation memory matches. Post-translation analysis gives you the actual savings.

Post-translation analysis is for finding out how much each translator can bill.

To learn more: See the topic about creating a post-translation analysis report manually.

How to get here

  1. Open Resource console. Choose Project templates.

    To set up a template for online projects: Use an online template for this. Choose your memoQ server at the top of Resource console. Click Select.

  2. Select the project template that you want to set up with automated actions that use custom scripts. Right-click the selection, and click Edit.
  3. In the Edit project template window, choose Automated actions. Click the Project automation tab if you don't see it at first.
  4. Under Available triggers, click an event when you want memoQ to calculate the post-translation analysis. For example, if you want to run this after a document is imported, click After document import.
  5. Next to Actions added to the selected trigger, click the + sign. The Select actions you want to add to the trigger window appears.
  6. Click Run post-translation analysis. The Automated post-translation analysis report settings window appears.

If you can't add this action because it's already there: Under Actions added to the selected trigger, click Run post-translation analysis. Next to the list, click the Settings button. The Automated post-translation analysis report settings window appears.

The window looks like this if you're setting up the template for a local projects (the eye in the Edit project template window is closed):

The window looks like this if you're setting up the template for online projects (the eye in the Edit project template window is open):

What can you do?

Don't use Trados 2007-like word counts: Normally, memoQ counts words like Microsoft Word does. In the past, when Trados 2007 or earlier (Trados Translator's Workbench) used to be a dominant translation tool, it was important that memoQ could produce similar word counts - so that translation companies could compare them. This is no longer the case. Use the Trados 2007-like word counts only if your client still works with an early Trados version, and they insist on using it.

When you finish

To add the action to the project template: Click OK.

The report won't run when you click OK: To get the post-translation analysis report automatically in an ongoing project: Create a project from this project template, and start working on it. Check the Reports or the Overview / Reports section for the new reports.

To return to the Edit project template window, and not add an action to the project template: Click Cancel.