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New memoQ project (Online project; legacy)

This wizard helps you create an online project on a memoQ server.

You can track online projects on Language Terminal. This helps you do the following:

  • Check the availability of translators and reviewers
  • See the costs of the project by calculating them from the prices used by the various participants
  • Get reports from Language Terminal about the projects

    Use templates instead: This is the old way to start a project. Create the project from a template instead, it takes less time. To learn more, see Help about creating an online project from template.

    Requires memoQ project manager: You need the project manager edition of memoQ to create online projects.

You need to be a project manager or an administrator: You may create online projects only if you are member of the Project managers or Administrators group on the memoQ server.

Before you track the project on Language Terminal, you must prepare memoQ server: Use the Language Terminal pane in Server administrator to connect your memoQ server to Language Terminal. If you have no permission to do this, contact the administrator of the memoQ server. To learn more: See Help about the Language Terminal pane of Server Administrator.

How to get here

On the main memoQ window - the Dashboard -, connect to a memoQ server: At the top of the Dashboard, type the address of the server in the text box. Or, choose a server from the drop-down list.

Type name and password if this is the first time: If you haven't used that server before, the Log in to server window appears. Type your user name and password. On the server, you must have Project Manager or Administrator privileges at least.

On the Project ribbon, click New Project, and from the menu, choose New Online Project. The New memoQ project window opens.

What can you do?

Go through the steps of the wizard, specifying the details and settings of the online project.

After you complete the wizard, memoQ will create an empty online project on the memoQ server.

When you finish

To create the online project on the memoQ server: Click Finish.

Continue setting up the project in the memoQ online project window: After the project is created, memoQ will open it for management in the memoQ online project window. (Unless you turn this off in the wizard.) There you can import documents and assign them to participants. You can also add LiveDocs corpora, translation memories, term bases, and other resources. To learn more, see Help about the memoQ online project window.

To return to the Dashboard, and not create a project: Click Cancel.

To go back to the previous page, and change settings: Click Back.