memoQ online project - History pane
The History pane of the memoQ online project window shows the list of changes that happened in the project: document imports, automated actions, assignments, and many more. You can also get a complete list of e-mail notifications that were sent by memoQ TMS about the current project.
You need to be a project manager or an administrator: You can manage online projects only if you are a member of the Project managers or Administrators group on the memoQ TMS – or if you have the Project manager role in the project.
For subvendors: If another organization owns the memoQ TMS, and you are accessing the memoQ online project window as a subvendor group manager, you will see a different window.
How to get here
First, open an online project for management.
- On the project management dashboard, find the project you need to manage. Use the search bar if needed.
- Double-click the project name, or click it, and on the Project ribbon, click Manage
. A new memoQ online project window opens.
On the left, click the History
icon. The History pane appears.
What can you do?
On the Project history tab, you can view and filter the list of events that happened to documents and to the project as a whole. This list shows every action that caused a change in a document or in the entire project.

- Who: Provides information about the person who made the changes. For example a project manager assigned the document to someone, re-assigned the document to a different user, or changed the workflow status of a document.
- When: The date an action was performed.
- Document: Lists the name of the document.
- Action: The action that was performed for this document.
- Details: Shows all the necessary details of the performed action. For example, a user finished their task with the document, and delivered the finished work.
Under Action and Details, you can also see how a document is assigned to a user, and what happened to the document afterwards:
- FirstAccept: A project manager assigned a document to several translators; a user accepted or declined a document; the FirstAccept deadline expired, and no one claimed a document.
- GroupSourcing: A project manager assigned a document to a group for GroupSourcing; a document was delivered by a GroupSourcing user.
- Subvendor group: A project manager assigned a document to a subvendor group; the project manager changed the deadline for an assignment to the subvendor; a document was delivered or returned from the subvendor.
- Slicing: A document is split into several parts; a document is reunited; a part of the sliced document is assigned or delivered.
To filter the list of action, use the drop-down boxes:
To refresh the list: At the top of the list, click Refresh history.
To turn off the filter, and view the entire list again: At the top of the list, click Reset.
On the Notification history tab, you can:

Here you can, see the list of every message that memoQ TMS sent about documents, assignments, and deadlines to project participants and project managers.
To refresh the list with the newest messages: At the top of the list, click Refresh history.
To view an actual e-mail: In the Message type column, click the link for the e-mail you are interested in.
To see older (inactive) e-mails and get more information about communication in the project: Click Inactive notifications.
Inactive notifications cannot be resent.
To clear notifications: At the top of the list, click Reset project.
To download project distribution files attached to messages: In the Attachment column, click the paper clip icon.

Once you import documents, and assign users, you need to launch the project - so that memoQ TMS will start sending e-mails about the project. This is when memoQ starts tracking the workflow.
You don't need to launch the project to make it available to translators and reviewers. When you assign a document, it immediately becomes available to the assigned users.
- Check if the communication settings are as you want them.
- Then click the Click to launch project button at the top left. The Launch project window opens.

If a document was assigned by mistake, or the workflow needs to be changed, you can restart the notification chain.
This also means that you start the entire workflow once again - the documents go back to translators. You may need this if some or all participants received their work in project packages.
To restart the project: At the top of the list, click Reset project.
Previous deliveries will not work: After the notification history is cleared, participants must check out the project again, or download new project packages. Translators or reviewers will not be able to deliver their work from earlier packages.
When you finish

- Overview
- Translations
- People
- Packages (only in package-based online projects)
- LiveDocs
- Translation memories
- Term bases
- Muses
- Settings
- History
- Reports
- Files
To return to Project home or the Dashboard: Close the memoQ online project window. Before that, make sure you save your changes.

When you make changes to an online project, the changes will happen on memoQ TMS, not on your computer. It is possible that several users make changes to the project at the same time.
Some changes are not saved automatically. When there are changes you need to save, the green tick mark icon at the top left will become orange:
To save changes to the online project, click this button.
To get the changes that others made to the online project, click this button:
Make sure you save your changes before you click this.
Switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.