Publish project wizard

The Publish project wizard turns your local project into an online project. You use this wizard after you prepare a translation job in a local project.

Requires memoQ project manager: You need the project manager edition of memoQ to manage online projects.

You need to be a project manager or an administrator: You can manage online projects only if you are a member of the Project managers or Administrators group on the memoQ TMS – or if you have the Project manager role in the project.

You can publish any local project on a memoQ TMS. Before you publish the project, you may assign documents to users, even in all three roles (Translator, Reviewer 1, and Reviewer 2). You can freely type user names. The Publish project wizard will match them to the users on the server.

  • All documents and views in your local projects will be uploaded as memoQ XLIFF documents. Views will become ordinary documents because online projects do not support views.
  • All local resources (translation memories, term bases etc.) will be uploaded to the memoQ TMS and published.
  • The local project remains on your computer after the online copy is created.

How to get here

On the Dashboard, right-click a project. Choose Publish On Server.


  1. Open the project.
  2. In Project home, choose Overview.
  3. Click the Handoff/delivery tab.
  4. Click Publish current project on a server.

    The Publish project wizard starts.


What can you do?

When you finish

To publish the project on the memoQ TMS: Click Finish. memoQ will upload all necessary data to the server, and display the online project in the memoQ online project window.

To return to the Dashboard or to Project home, without publishing the project: Click Cancel.