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memoQ enables you to perform a term extraction to extend your terminology for a project.

The Term Extraction ribbon tab provides the following commands to clean the list. All commands have a shortcut key to speed up your work.

Accept As Term: Marks the current candidate or the selected candidates as Accepted. Accepted candidates will be copied to the final term bases. When you sort the list using the Re-sort now command, accepted candidates are sorted to the beginning of the list. Shortcut key: Ctrl+Enter.

Drop Term: Marks the current candidate or the selected candidates as Dropped. Dropped candidates remain on the list, but when you sort the list again using the Re-sort now command, they are sorted to the end of the list. Shortcut key: Ctrl+D.

Select All Rows: Use this button to select all rows in your term base.

Toggle Hits And Term Base: You can use the same key shortcuts to navigate among the term base hits and the occurrences. You can switch between the two using the Toggle Hits And Term Base button, or the Ctrl+G key shortcut.

Merge Candidates: If two or more candidates are selected, this command merges them into a single candidate (a single row in the list). The new row shows the first selected candidate as the main term, but displays the other candidates, marked with the word Also:. This command is similar to the Join segments command in the translation grid, so its shortcut key is Ctrl+J.

Unmerge Candidates: If the current candidate is a merged one – that is, it is created from multiple original candidates –, this command unmerges them: they become separate candidates again. This command is similar to the Split segment command in the translation grid, so its shortcut key is Ctrl+T.

Prefix Merge & Hide: This command looks for candidates in the list that have the same prefix as the current one. If memoQ finds two or more candidates with the same prefix, it automatically merges them. Normally, a source term must include a prefix marker – the pipe | character – to run this command (example: system|s). However, if there is no prefix marker in the source term, memoQ displays the No prefix markers in term dialog to ask for confirmation. If that is confirmed, the entire source term in the current candidate is used as a prefix. Shortcut key: Ctrl+M.

Hide/Unhide Shorter: Hides those candidates where the source term is part of the current candidate but shorter. Hidden candidates are sorted to the end of the list. If the shorter candidates are hidden, this command uncovers them (it works like a toggle). Shortcut key: Ctrl+L.

Add As Stopword: Displays the New stop word dialog where you can add the selected text as a new stop word to the stop word list used in the current session. Shortcut key: Ctrl+W.

Look Up Terms Now: memoQ searches through all term bases in the project for possible hits. You can change the term base ranking in the project, and then run this command to get different results from the ones you got with the initial term extraction.

Export To Term Base: Displays the Export accepted terms to term base dialog, and copies the accepted terms and their translations to a term base you choose.

Export To TaaS: Displays the upload dialog to upload the accepted terms to your TaaS collection.

Restart Session: Displays the Extract candidates dialog, and starts the session again. The candidate list is cleared, and a new one is created. You will lose all changes you made to the candidate list – use this command with care.