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Regex tagger

The Regex Tagger can turn parts of the imported text into inline tags. You may want to do this to preserve parts that look like code, placeholders, or XML tags - so that they are not altered during translation. Practically, you can do this to parts of text that belong to the structure rather than the contents.

There are three clear advantages of turning some parts of the text into tags:

  1. They can't be changed during translation - you can't break program code by changing placeholders or tags accidentally.
  2. They are easy to copy: During translation, in the translation editor, press F9 or Ctrl to copy tags from the source cell.
  3. They give better matches from the translation memory: If tags are different, you can still get a close-to-exact match. For example, your text may contain a placeholder that looks like '{{number}}'. If it isn't tagged in the text, and there is a TM match where the placeholder is different, the match rate will be below 90 percent. But if these placeholders are tagged both in the text and the TM, the match rate will be higher than 95%.

Save more: Tagging structural parts of the text may allow you to save time and money.

The Regex Tagger uses regular expressions to find the parts that need to be tagged (as the name suggests).

You can't import documents into memoQ with the Regex Tagger alone. But it can be the second or third filter in a cascading filter.

Use Regex Tagger or Regex taggers after another filter: For example, a cells in an Excel workbook may contain tags that must not be altered. You can set up a cascading filter where the second - or last - filter is the Regex Tagger. At the end of the chain, you can add a sequence of Regex taggers, to tag the document several different ways.

Tag text directly in the translation editor: During translation, if you discover that something needs to be tagged, you don't have to import the document again. You can run the Regex Tagger directly from the translation editor. It's on the Preparation ribbon.

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