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Server administrator: User management (subvendor)

You use this User management pane of Server Administrator when you work on the memoQ server of your client, and you manage a subvendor group.

You can add users to your subvendor group, edit their properties, or remove them if necessary.

Are you the administrator of the server? If you are not a subvendor manager but the real administrator of a memoQ server, see Help about the full Server Administrator.

You need to be a subvendor: You may manage the users in your subvendor group if you are the subvendor group's manager. If you are not sure, contact the memoQ server's owner.

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How to get here

  1. At the very top of the memoQ window - in the Quick Access toolbar -, click the Server Administrator (cogwheel in a cloud) icon. The Server Administrator window opens, with the Connection pane.

    Or: On the Project ribbon, click Server Administrator.

  2. Log in to the memoQ server as the subvendor manager. You need to receive your user name and password from the owner of the memoQ server.
  3. Under Category, click User management. The User management pane appears.

What can you do?

You cannot add the users to groups: When a subvendor manager creates user accounts, they will be members of the subvendor group. They cannot be members of any other group.

When you finish

To return to memoQ: Click Close.

Or, choose another category to manage: