Dashboard (for translators)

memoQ starts with the Dashboard. Anything you do in memoQ, you begin at the Dashboard.

This is the translator's dashboard: You see this Help page because you come from the translator pro edition of memoQ. If you need the page about the project manager's version, click here.

Here are some of the things you can do:

How to get here

In Windows, start memoQ. If you have a translator's license, this dashboard appears.

What can you do?

Manage resources - translation memories, LiveDocs corpora, project templates, and more: On the Quick Access Toolbar (in the top left corner of the memoQ window), click the Resource Console  icon. The Resource Console appears.

Change how memoQ behaves: On the Quick Access Toolbar (in the top left corner of the memoQ window), click the Options  icon. The Options window appears.

See and manage your licenses: In the top left corner of the memoQ window, click the blue memoQ  tab. The My memoQ page opens, with detailed information on the version and license of your copy of memoQ.