memoQWebTrans - Translation editor

This is the place where you can write, edit, or review the translation in memoQWebTrans. In the translation editor, you see the document in a two-column grid, with the source-language text in the left column, and the translation in the right column. The text is divided into segments. On the right, memoQWebTrans shows the Translation results pane, where it lists every match and hint that the resources - translation memories, term bases, or LiveDocs corpora - know about the current segment.

At the bottom, memoQWebTrans displays the View pane, where it can show the preview of the translated document more or less as it would appear in the final translated format. You may need this to see your translation in context. The preview is always a "best effort". There is no guarantee that the preview looks exactly like the final document - there is no guarantee that the preview will be available at all.

The translation editor is very similar to the translation editor in the memoQ desktop program, with several restrictions. Some of the restrictions are as follows:

  • You cannot use memoQ's advanced searching functionality. (Filtering by text and status is available.)
  • You cannot jump to the alignment editor if you discover a misaligned translation unit in a LiveDocs corpus.
  • Predictive typing, Muses, and the intelligent placement of tags, numbers, and terms are not available. Bilingual concordance does not work either.
  • memoQ web search is not available.
  • You cannot insert symbols into the target text. Use the operating system's Character map app to find and copy symbols, then paste them into memoQ.

Browsers may be different: The instructions in this topic have been tested in the Firefox web browser.


From memoQWeb (legacy):

  1. Open memoQWebTrans in your browser.
  2. In the list of documents, click a document's name. It opens on a separate browser tab, in the WebTrans translation editor.

From memoQWeb:

  1. Sign in to memoQWeb.
  2. If memoQWeb does not show the memoQWebTrans page, click the memoQWebTrans icon on the left sidebar.
  3. Click the project that the document belongs to, then click the document's name. It opens on a separate browser tab, in the WebTrans translation editor.


Abschließende Schritte

After you finish translating or reviewing the document, deliver it: Click the Deliver icon at the top right.

To leave the document: Close the browser tab.

See also

Translation results pane

View pane