Browse terms
On this page you can view and edit the contents of a term base.
How to get here
Log in to memoQweb as an administrator, project manager, terminologist, or external user.
On the left sidebar, click the Qterm
On the Qterm - Home page, click the term base you want to browse.
When you open a term base for the first time, you need to select the First language and Second language from the dropdowns.
Select Filter if you want to always open the selected term base with the same filter.
After you click Browse term base, the Browse terms page opens:
What can you do?

Type the text you want to find into the search field. Press Enter, click the Refresh icon, or click the Search
You can also:
Change search type:
Search for a term even if you know only a part of it: Use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in searches. You can see an example of it in the search bar text: apple, or appl* if you need a wildcard.
The asterisk represents any character(s) in the term. You can use:
One asterisk like in "Ministry*Services" if you’re looking for “Ministry of Transport Services” or “Ministry of Financial Services”.
Multiple asterisks like in “French*Ministry*Services” if you’re looking for “French Foreign Ministry of Transport Services” or “French Finance Ministry of Accounting Services”.

- To get the URL of the selected entry: click the URL of the entry
icon. A dropdown appears with the text already selected. Press Ctrl+C to copy it to the clipboard. You need this URL to set a relationship (a cross-reference) with this term in the Related entries window.
- To mark an entry as starred: Click the star
icon on the left side of the entry. In the Related entries window, you can set relationships with starred entries without copying and pasting their URLs.
- To manage related entries: Click the View/add/remove related entries
icon. The Related entries window opens.
- To view the entry's history: Click the Entry history
icon. The Entry history section appears, showing what happened to the entry since it was created:
- To change metadata of one or more entries: Select the entries you want. At the top, Click Replace metadata. Or: In the bottom left corner, click the Replace metadata
icon. The Replace metadata pane opens.
- To add an entry to the term base: In the top right corner, click New entry. The New entry pane opens.
- To merge multiple entries into one: Select the entries you want. In the bottom left corner, click the Merge selected entries
icon. Check the terms to be merged in the left pane. To save the merged entry: Click Save. To leave the entries unmerged: Click Cancel.

- To start a discussion about the entry: At the top, click Discuss. The Start a discussion page opens.
- To print the term base: At the top, click Print. The Print term base page opens.
- To export the term base: At the top, click Export. The Term base export wizard opens.
- To view or change the term base's settings: At the top, click Term base settings. The Term base settings page opens.
When you finish
To return to the Qterm - Home screen: At the top left, click Qterm - Home.
To sign out of Qterm: In the top row, click Sign out.