Discover memoQ 10.5
These are the most important new features of memoQ 10.5:
On the sidebar, the new Focus on row tab shows all the important information related to the current row.
The tool now offers an in-app spell checker so that you don't need your browser to check spelling.
- Accessibility improvements: The Jump to row button allows jumping exactly where you need. And wherever you are, pressing Ctrl+Alt+G focuses on the active segment.
Whenever you create a new translation memory, it will be a TM+, unless you tell memoQ you want a classic TM..
You can now create and delete LiveDocs corpora in the Resources module, and you can edit their properties.
You can now translate your sensitive data more securely (via a virtual private network) using the Microsoft Azure AI Translator plugin.
The Intento MT plugin is now more transparent: At the bottom of the Translation results pane, it shows which MT service each suggestion is coming from.
Based on our customers' suggestions they sent in to our Idea Portal, we made several of our features more efficient or convenient. For example, you can now use "add term" and "spilt/join' functionality in the LiveDocs alignment editor.