Server Administrator - Group management

In the Group management pane of the Server administrator, you manage user groups. To allow a user anything to do on the memoQ TMS: grant privileges and permissions to a group, and add the user to the group. There are a number of built-in groups that have privileges that no other groups can have. Members of groups can use resources (translation memories, term bases, etc.) and projects on the memoQ TMS - if the group was granted access.

You need the project manager edition of memoQ to manage a memoQ TMS.

You can manage the server only if you are a member of the Project managers or Administrators group in the memoQ TMS. To change most settings, you must be a member of the Administrators group.

How to get here

    1. At the very top of the memoQ window, click the Server Administrator Server administrator icon. icon. You can also find this icon on the Project ribbon.

    2. The Server Administrator window opens, showing the Connection pane.

    3. Type or choose the address of the memoQ TMS, and click the Select Select icon. button.

      You may need to log in: If you access this server for the first time, the Log in to server window opens. You need a user name and a password to access the server.

  1. Under Category, click Group management. The Group management pane appears.


What can you do?

The Group management pane shows a list of groups: You can see the name, the type, and the description and the disabled status of each group.

There are three types of groups, each having its icon:

icon-group-local: A regular group on the memoQ TMS. It is either a built-in group, or a group that the administrator created here in the Server Administrator.

icon-group-subvendor: Subvendor group. This group represents another organization. The membership of the group is managed by the subvendor manager who is also a user on the memoQ TMS.

icon-group-windows-sso: A Windows group, copied from the Windows domain that memoQ TMS is connected to. To learn more: See Help about the Windows single sign-on pane.

When you finish

To return to memoQ: Click Close.

Or, choose another category to manage: