Project - Overview

On this page you can check the project's status, and see and manage documents and people that are added to it.

How to get here

  1. Log in to memoQweb as an administrator or a project manager.
  2. On the Active projects list, click a project.
  3. The Overview tab opens.


What can you do?

Check project progress

The top of the page shows the project's current progress in two ways: 

  • Overall progress as a percentage in a circle.
  • A breakdown of each Role's progress, as a percentage and a horizontal line.

Check document status

The Document section in the middle of the page lists a few document statuses and the number of documents in that status.

The list shows you how many documents are:

  • Not started,
  • In progress,
  • Finished,
  • or had their Deadline missed.

The numbers look too low? This report only counts documents that are assigned to a translator or a reviewer.

To manage documents and assignments: In the section's top right corner, click the Manage link. The Translations tab opens.

See and manage people in the project

The People section at the bottom of the page lists people added to the project, with username and full name (in parentheses).

The colored bars under each user shows their progress in all their assignments on this project.

To manage project users, roles and permissions, documents and assignments: In the section's top right corner, click the Manage link. The People tab opens.