This is where you can import and manage documents: for example, assign users to them, or set deadlines.
The document list shows these details about each document:
To show the document path: open the Customize view pane.
Choose segments, words, or characters on the Customize view pane.
Advanced assignment modes show their info in the Translator, Reviewer 1, and Reviewer 2 columns:
If a document has an Info icon after its name, it comes from a
To search the list: Type something into the search bar above the list. Press Enter. If the text you typed can be found in some documents' or assigned user's name, the list will only show those. To see the whole list again, click the X icon at the end of the search bar.
To filter the list:
Click the All target languages dropdown, then click a language. The list will show only documents with that target language.
Click the All documents dropdown, and then click an item in the list.
The list will show only the documents with that status.
To sort the list: Click a column header (Name, Target, Status, Version, #, Translator, Deadline (TR), Reviewer 1, Deadline (R1), Reviewer 2, Deadline (R2)). To reverse the sorting order, click the same column header again.
At the top of the screen, click the Customize view icon next to the filter dropdown. The Customize view pane opens.
To see the documents' path before the file names, check the Show document paths check box.
To choose the unit of document size: Under Unit, choose segment, word, or character.
To show or hide columns in the document list: Check or clear the Name, Target language, Status, Version, Size, Translator, Reviewer 1, Reviewer 2 check boxes as needed.
To save your changes: Click the Apply button.
To close the Customize view pane and not save your changes: Click the X icon in the top right corner.
To reset all settings: Click the Reset to default link.
To import one or more documents: Above the list, click the Import documents link. The Import as new page opens.
To open a document in the webtrans translation editor: Click its name. A new browser tab opens. After finishing your task, close that browser tab.
To save your changes: Click the Change status button. To discard your changes: Click the Cancel link.
See the list of status icons in the Learn details about the document list section.
For more possibilities, use advanced assignment: For one document: In the document's row, click the More options icon. In the menu, click Advanced assign
. For two or more documents: Select the documents. Above the list, click the Advanced assign link. The Advanced assignment page opens.
On the Assign translator (or Assign reviewer 1, or Assign reviewer 2) pane, choose a user from the dropdown. The list shows suggested users first, then users in the project, then other server users. To clear an assignment: Choose Unassigned from the dropdown.
To save your changes: Click the Assign button. To discard your changes: Click the Cancel link.
If you assign an in-country reviewer: The Configure in-country review window opens. Choose settings as needed, and click the Apply button. An in-country reviewer can only have one role on a document, and it must be R1 or R2.
To copy the URL for an in-country review task: At the end of the document's row, click More options . Then, in the In-country review section, click Copy URL to clipboard
. You can now send the URL to an in-country reviewer who does not have the related email from your
To open an in-country review task in read-only mode in the ICR tool: At the end of the document's row, click More options . Then, in the In-country review section, click Open in read-only mode
To clear all the assignments on one or more documents: Check their check boxes, and above the list, click the Clear assignments link.
The same user can be translator and reviewer on a document: For example, a translator can be reviewer 2, too. Then they can override the changes and comments of reviewer 1. (As stated above, in-country reviewers are exceptions.)
If the project is already launched: You need to confirm your changes at the bottom of the page. Click the Save changes button or the Cancel link as needed.
To pre-translate one document: In the document's row, click the More options icon. In the menu, click the Pre-translate
button. Or, check its check box, and above the list, click the Pre-translate link.
To pre-translate two or more documents: Check their check boxes, and above the list, click the Pre-translate link. The Pre-translate page opens.
Normally, memoQ sets a 24-hour deadline for every translation or review assignment. To set a new deadline: In the document's row, click the date.
Select the date from the calendar. To change months, click the arrows on the top of the pane. To choose a time: Click the Set specific time dropdown.
You can set deadlines for: one document, all documents with that target language, or for all documents in the project.
To save your changes: Click the Set deadline button. To discard your changes: Click the Cancel link.
At the end of the document's row, click the More options icon.
On the pane, click Reimport .
On the Reimport page, drag the documents you need to the area marked with the icon.
In the Import as new window, the Action and language column will say Reimport.
Above the list, click the Import all button.
To export one document:
At the end of the document's row, click the More options icon. In the menu, click Export
Or, check its check box, and above the list, click the Export link.
The Export page opens. Choose the export format and settings as needed.
To export two or more documents:
Check their check boxes, and above the list, click the Export link.
The Export page opens. Choose the export format and settings as needed.
To remove one document: At the end of the document's row, click the More options icon. On the pane, click the Delete
icon. Or, check its check box, and above the list, click the Remove link. To confirm deleting: Click the Remove document button. To keep the file: Click the Cancel link.
To remove two or more documents: Check their check boxes, and above the list, click the Remove link. To confirm deleting: Click the Remove document button. To keep the files: Click the Cancel link.
Documents imported from one package are removed together: If you try removing one, a message warns you that all the other documents from the same package will also be removed.