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You can run memoQ on terminal servers such as Windows Remote Desktop Services or Citrix XenApp. On a terminal server, several users have desktops, and a copy of memoQ can run on each of these desktops. However, you need to prepare the server before you can run memoQ this way.

In this section, you find information on the Terminal server configurator and the multi-user mode.

To use memoQ on terminal servers, you need CAL licenses, and a memoQ server in your network. memoQ server cannot run on the terminal server machine itself; you need a separate physical or virtual server for that.

To set up memoQ on a terminal server, see the Installing memoQ on terminal servers guide, available from the memoq.com website.

To read on, see the following topics:

Terminal server license pool

Terminal server configuration (tool)

Multi-user mode and terminal servers