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Project home: Muses

A Muse is a resource – a statistical database – that offers hints for predictive typing.

A Muse guesses the next work or expression, computing from the source text and the translation that was already typed. In a way, the Muse is similar to a statistical machine translation module, but it can be more precise - because it does not have to guess an entire sentence, just the next few words.

You manage muses in the Muses pane of Project home, you can manage Muses. This is where you come to set up and train Muses.

A Muse is bilingual: In a project, you can use a Muse if it has the same language pair as your project.

How to get here

  1. From the Dashboard, create or open a project. Or, check out a project from a memoQ server.
  2. Under Project home, click Muses. The Muses pane appears.

What can you do?

When you finish

To return to your work: Click a document tab at the top of the memoQ window (in the same row as the Project home tab). In most cases, you will return to the translation editor.

To close the project: Click the Close icon in the Project home tab: Or, on the Project ribbon, click Close Project.

You can close memoQ, too, if you do not need to work on another project.

You can start creating another project: If you do that, memoQ will automatically close your current project.

Project managers, you can switch windows: You can open several online projects for management. Each online project opens in a separate window. To switch between them and the Dashboard or Project home (if you have a local project open): press and hold down Alt, and press Tab a few times until you get to the window you want. Or: On the Windows taskbar, click the memoQ icon, and then click the window you want to switch to.