Project - Pre-translate

On the Pre-translate page, you set up and start pre-translation.

When you pre-translate a document, memoQweb searches the translation memories and LiveDocs corpora in your project and inserts the best available match for each segment.

If there’s no exact match, memoQweb can:

  • Assemble the segment from smaller fragments.

  • Use machine translation to suggest a translation.

  • Join or split segments to improve matches.

What's more?

  • You can control the quality of the matches used in pre-translation.

  • memoQweb can also automatically confirm and lock segments that were successfully pre-translated.

  • Before pre-translation starts, memoQweb can save a version of the document, allowing you to review the changes andreturn to the previous version if needed.

  • After pre-translation, memoQweb runs an analysis to show how much of the text was filled in and the quality of the matches.

Pre-translation won’t start when memoQ TMS is running an automated task in an online project. When this happens, you’ll see a message asking you to wait a few minutes. This isn’t an error—once the task is done, you can continue with pre-translation.

How to get here

  1. Log in to memoQweb as an administrator or a project manager.
  2. On the Active projects list, click a project.
  3. At the top of the screen, click the Translations tab.
  4. In the list, select one or more documents.
  5. Above the list, click Pre-translate.

    The Pre-translate page opens:

    Pre-translate page showing the row with basic information: number of documents, languages, number of segments, words, and characters in translation: lookup, TM-driven segmentation, confirm//lock, versioning, create statistics.

What can you do?

Check options for each kind of pre-translation:

When you finish

To run the pre-translation, and return to the Translations page, click the Pre-translate button.