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The memoQ server is a comprehensive resource and project server for collaborative translation work. This topic describes the principles of managing a memoQ server.

For more information on how to share and use resources on a memoQ server, see the Sharing resources and removing them from the server topic.

For detailed information on the available options in  the Server administrator dialog, see the Server administrator topic.

For an explanation of the possible network setups for the memoQ server, see the memoQ corporate network guide on the Kilgray website.

The memoQ server is managed from the memoQ program. memoQ includes a utility called the Server administrator, available on the Project ribbon tab or from the Quick Access Toolbar. You can manage a memoQ server from anywhere, provided that your computer has a network connection to the server. However, there are specific options that must be configured on the server machine itself.

There are several aspects of the memoQ server that are managed from the Server administrator:

Users and groups: You can control who can access your memoQ server and under what conditions. To access a resource on the memoQ server, a user needs a name and a password.

Permissions: You can control who can access which resource, and what are the allowed operations. This is where you make translation memories and term bases read-only for specific users.

Server configuration: You can control what folders the memoQ server uses on the server machine, and what name the memoQ server uses on the network.

Important: You cannot share resources on the server using the Server administrator. You can do this through the Resource console instead.

Important: You cannot create remote projects using the Server administrator. This is done through the Manage projects dialog.

In the Server administrator, you can also set up and configure the mobile licenses using Enterprise License Management.


See also:

Server administrator

Quick start guide for project manager

Server quick start guide

Claiming, updating and returning ELM licenses

Always check for the latest guides here.