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memoQ 2014 R2 (7.5) introduces the following new features:

Use the links to jump to the corresponding topics in the memoQ Help.


The Ribbon: The Ribbon helps you to easier navigate in memoQ. You can find the ribbon commands explanations here.

The new TM editor: The TM editor was overhauled and got additional functionality, e.g. replacing metadata, flagging rows as well as filtering and sorting of TM entries.

Improved segmentation rule editor: The segmentation rules for German were improved. The segmentation rule editor was simplified.

Sharing and creating translation memories and term bases in Language Terminal: Create TMs and term bases in Language Terminal, share them with other users and use them like regular translation memories and term bases in your local memoQ project.

Importing SDL WorldServer packages: Import SDL WorldServer packages, and deliver a return package.


New in 2014 R2 (7.5.50 and higher):

Assign the same user to different user roles.

Assign a subvendor to all roles or to only one role.

Predefined values for project template meta-information fields (Subject, Project, Client, Domain)


For memoQWeb users:

memoQWeb introduces the web project management feature which enables you to create online projects in your browser.