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If you have previously used another CAT tool, it is very likely that you have translation resources which you want to use in memoQ. It is also possible that a translation agency you work for has prepared a document in another CAT tool, made it available for you in a specific file format, and you are expected to send its translation back in the same format after working on it in memoQ. But how can you migrate documents and resources across different translation environments?


Migrating translation documents


Migrating translation memories


Migrating term bases


See also:

Exchanging data between memoQ and SDL Trados

Exchanging data between memoQ and STAR Transit

Exchange formats - Other tools

Exchanging term bases

Exchanging translation memories

Term base CSV import settings (dialog)

Term base TMX import settings (dialog)

Translation memories CSV import settings (dialog)

Translation memories TMX import settings (dialog)