In-country review tool

The in-country review (ICR) tool is a web-based tool. In-country reviewers, also known as subject matter experts, can use it for checking translated documents to ensure that their flow and context are correct.

The tool was designed to be easy-to-use also for users with basic computer or translation tools skills. They can easily verify the translation (in the target language) in the memoQ environment, which also means no extra work for project managers.

How to get here

What can you do?

Project manager's workflow

In-country reviewer's workflow

Currently, each reviewer assigned to an ICR review task needs a web license from the memoQ TMS. If you don't have any web licenses available, the reviewer will use a translator pro license.

In-country review main window in reviewers view showing all the available functions and Terms tab open next to the translation editor.

As a reviewer, you work in the ICR editor (see above). Here you can:

When you finish

  • To go back to the document without delivering: Click Cancel.

  • After delivering your review, click the Finish and go to My Review Tasks button on the confirmation screen.