Discover memoQ 10.4
These are the most important new features of memoQ 10.4:
memoQ Adaptive Generative Translation (memoQ AGT) is an AI-based translation automation technology. It was designed for enterprises with extensive linguistic resources, but can also benefit LSPs.
In memoQ 10.4, it is available for pre-translation in local projects and checked-out copies of online projects.
To learn more about memoQ AGT: Read the guide in our Help Center.
The Issues tab is finally available: in-country reviewers can now see and correct QA warnings and errors on the Issues tab - if the project manager allows. There are several other improvements about ICR in this version, such as segment filtering and show/hide preview functionality.
You can now use multiple machine translation services for pre-translating your content (both in memoQ and in memoQweb), and the selected AIQE service will choose the best one for each segment.
LiveDocs corpora have their own page in the Resources module, and you can see what documents they contain.
From version 10.4, memoQ's translation editor shows the 0% match rate as "N/A". This is related to machine translation and AIQE, and does not change how memoQ works: if you filter a document for segments with 0% match rate, you get the same result as in earlier versions. The only difference is that the grid shows N/A for the match rates, not 0%.
Based on our customers' suggestions they sent in to our Idea Portal, we made several of our features more efficient or convenient. For example, you can now:
chain other import filters after multilingual ones (XLIFF 1, XLIFF 2, multilingual Excel, or multilingual XML),
do in-place translation and use XPath 2.0 to define import paths in the multilingual XML filter,
use a regex to define WordPress shortcodes in the WPML XLIFF filter.