Accessing the services
The web service API is implemented by multiple service endpoints, each accessible via a different URL. Each service endpoint has two ULRs:
- Service URL is the actual address of the service;
- Metadata URL is where its metadata can be accessed.
The base address part of the URLs is configured using the "Web Service interface" page of the Server Administrator of memoQ Client. The default base address is http://localhost:8080.
Translation memory management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/tm/tmservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/tm
Term base management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/tb/tbservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/tb
LiveDocs management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/livedocs/livedocsservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/livedocs
Light resource management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/resource/resourceservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/resource
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/security/securityservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/security
Server projects:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/serverproject/serverprojectservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/serverproject
File management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/filemanager/filemanagerservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/filemanager
License (ELM) management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/elm/elmservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/elm
Asynchronous tasks management:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/tasks/tasksservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/tasks
ICR configuration:
Service URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/icrconfig/icrconfigservice
Metadata URL: http://<base address>/memoqservices/icrconfig
Accessing metadata, code generation
To see the WSDL description of a service run MemoQ Server (GUI).exe, start a browser and type the Metadata URL of the specific service followed by "?wsdl" in the address bar.
In case of the security service type http://<base address>/memoqservices/security?wsdl. The XSD documents describing the message structures and data types participate as "import" in the WSDL document (try http://<base address>/memoqservices/security?xsd=xsd0 in the address bar).
The metadata is also exposed according to the WS-Metadata Exchange standard at the Metadata URL of the specific service (e.g. http://<base address>/memoqservices/security in case of the security service).
Techniques to generate the proxy class, the interfaces and the entity classes for the memoQ service API are the following:
- Any tool that can generate the interfaces/classes of the service based on WSDL/XSD or WS Metadata Exchange can be used. Please check the documentation of your development environment for information.
- For a WCF client, you can use svcutil.exe, or the Add Service Reference function of Visual Studio (the MemoQ Server (GUI).exe application has to be running!). The address to be provided is the Metadata URL of the specific service (e.g. http://<base address>/memoqservices/security in case of the security service).
- For an ASMX web client The Add Web Reference … function of Visual Studio (the MemoQ Server (GUI).exe application has to be running!), or the xsd.exe tool can be used. The address to be provided is the Metadata URL of the specific service (e.g. http://<base address>/memoqservices/security in case of the security service).
Some older SOAP toolkits fail when trying to import a WSDL file that contains references to external .xsd files. memoQ server is able to provide the WSDL as a single file. To see the WSDL description of a service as a single file run MemoQ Server (GUI).exe, start a browser and type the Metadata URL of the specific service followed by "?singlewsdl" in the address bar.
Note: To generate the source code as described above, you may have to use the GUI version of the memoQ Server (in case WSDL generation locks up). It works exactly the same way as the Windows Service version, the only difference is that it has a user interface with a log window. To start it, first stop the MemoQ Server Service, and then run MemoQ Server (GUI).exe from the memoQ application directory.
Note : The WSDL description of a memoQ Server endpoint is not a single file. Instead, it's a set of WSDL and XSD files referencing each other. If you are experiencing problem with the links/urls in the WSDL description (e.g. you need to change the default localhost references to a different address), the solution depends on how you are getting the WSDL files:
- If you are getting it "online" (by connecting to memoQ server from a tool or browser), then you have to change the WS API base address of memoQ Server using memoQ Server Deployment Tool. Start the tool, click on the "Advanced…" link, select "Configure" from the popup menu, then go to the "Web Service API" tab page. Restart your memoQ Server after making the change.
- If you are using the file form (part of the WS API SDK), you have to replace the address localhost (and the port as well if does not match to your actual settings) for external references in the wsdl and xds files.